LoL: Winterblessed Hwei Is A Nightmare For Colorblind Players

The community has spoken out against the skin and how bad it is for colorblind players, but it doesn't seem like there is a fix in sight.

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LoL: Hwei is a nightmare for colorblind players. | © Riot Games

With all the spells, abilities and item actives flying around all over Summoner's Rift, the game has become less and less clear, which poses an issue for those who already have difficulties due to color blindness. Now, the newest LoL champion, Hwei, has just been released, and his skin is a visual nightmare.

While the base of Hwei differentiates between his spells thanks to the colors, his Winterblessed skin is completely blue, which has led to some players discussing how to improve the skin so everyone knows which spellbook he's currently using.

LoL: Visual Clarity Is Getting Worse

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Hwei's color scheme is completely ignored in the Winterblessed skin. | © Riot Games

Visual clarity in League of Legends seems to be getting worse and worse, even if the visuals themselves are improving. Hwei, the newest LoL champion, does have some players quite confused with his 10 abilities, But thanks to his base skin there are at least different colors to work with.

On the other hand, his Winterblessed skin simply colors everything blue. On the Public Beta Environment, there are some supposed changes to give the skin some more clarity, but when you compare the differences, players have noted how there are basically no changes between the live version and the one for testing, so it seems like he will continue to be all-blue.

On Twitch, Riot August also noted that Hwei was not designed in a way where players should tell which spell he will be using simply based on the color – unlike Aphelios who is dependent on the colors of his guns.

The Winterblessed Hwei skin has been deemed one of the most pay-to-win skins in the game, with most people even opting in to buying it, just because of how unclear the colors are and the advantage it gives the players over their opponents who cannot tell whether they're going to be hit by a CC spell or a damage spell.

The community has spoken out against the skin and hope Riot will make some adjustments, since it is a clarity issue right now for most players, especially with a complex champion like Hwei who has so many abiltities and spells.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....