LoL: Don't Let The Splash Art Fool You! These Skins Look Awful In Game

Some skins in League of Legends just don't live up to their splash arts. What are some that the community hates the most?

Blackthorn morgana
LoL: Some skins just don't live up to their splash arts. | © Riot Games

Recently, the League of Legends community came together on Reddit to give people some advice... on which skins not to buy even if the splash arts are truly beautiful and iconic.

There are some skins that just don't work with the theme, or even with the champion, while other skins just suffer because of the outdated and old model of the champion they're made for. So, which skins are deceptive and should you avoid?

LoL: These Skins Have Beautiful Splash Arts But Suck In Game

Sun Goddess Karma

Sun Goddess Karma
This splash is so beautiful! | © Riot Games

One skin that players believe looks amazing in the splash, but horrendous in game is none other than Sun Goddess Karma. It isn't the worst skin in League of Legends, not by far, but comparing the splash art to the in-game model is just... underwhelming.

Karma also has a bunch of other skins which suffer the same, like Sakura or Traditional. So, maybe one day we will get a Karma ASU which is going to fix the discrepancy between skin and model.

Spellthief Lux

Spellthief Lux
This is a cool skin splash, but the in game version is awful. | © Riot Games

Spellthief Lux, for a long time, was one of her best skins, but she has since received a million new – and much better – ones. The splash for Spellthief Lux is great though, and truly iconic. Unfortunately, the in-game model is anything but, and you should definitely spend your RP on another Lux skin if you can.

Of course, Lux is another champion who suffers from age in League of Legends and if Riot was to rework her model, then Spellthief Lux could once again shine on Summoner's Rift.

Broken Covenant Cho'Gath

Broken covenant cho gath
Now this is a splash art! | © Riot Games

Now this is a splash art. Cho'Gath doesn't have too many insanely good skins, and Broken Covenant Cho'Gath would definitely be a great one, if only his model wasn't awful and old. Riot seriously has to give him a makeover of some sort, because then this could be a skin worth buying.

But with the way Cho'Gath's model currently looks and feels, no skin Riot makes is going to be worthwhile. Cho'Gath is just way too old, and he needs an ASU or even a VGU quickly.

King of Clubs Mordekaiser

King of Clubs Mordekaiser Splash Art
This is such a cool splash, but it just isn't worth the money. | © Riot Games

This skin is a pretty great idea and the splash art also looks great, with him sitting atop the throne. While the idea and concept gives players Kingdom Hearts vibes, the in-game version does the exact opposite.

He just looks big and yellow with next to no VFX which makes the skin very underwhelming. So, while the splash art is very cool, the in-game version is not worth buying. Just stick to Dark Star.

Blackthorn Morgana

This is the skin that kicked off this discussion on Reddit, with many lamenting the fact that this had once been the best skin for Morgana, before Riot reworked her. Now it's one of her worst, even with a banger splash.

These are the skins the Reddit community thinks players should stay away from, but what is your 'splash is great but skin is ugly' skin in League of Legends?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....