Lego Fortnite: How To Get Brightcore

Unlock the secrets of Lego Fortnite by mastering the art of finding Brightcore, the game-changing resource essential for advanced crafting and village upgrades.

Lego fortnite brightcore
Brightcore is a very useful resource in LEGO Fortnite. | © Epic Games

In the captivating world of LEGO Fortnite, Brightcore stands out as a vital resource for players looking to elevate their gameplay. This guide provides essential insights into locating Brightcore, a key element for crafting advanced tools and upgrading villages in this thrilling game.

Where To Find Brightcore in LEGO Fortnite

Brightcore is indispensable for players aspiring to progress in LEGO Fortnite. It's primarily used in constructing a metal smelter, a crucial component for processing various metals. This resource not only enhances crafting capabilities, but also significantly contributes to the development of your village.

To embark on the quest for Brightcore, head to the Dry Valley desert biome, a unique environment within the LEGO Fortnite universe.The primary location for finding Brightcore is within the challenging lava caves of this biome. The resource manifests as a striking golden ore, often found near lava flows, setting it apart from other materials like copper ore.

However, acquiring Brightcore is not without its challenges. The lava caves, known for their intense heat, necessitate the use of heat-resistant charms or materials for safe exploration. This adds a layer of strategy and preparation to the gameplay, as players must equip themselves appropriately to venture into these hazardous areas.

Finding Brightcore in LEGO Fortnite is a rewarding experience that blends exploration with strategic planning. By visiting the Dry Valley desert biome and braving the lava caves, players can obtain this crucial resource, unlocking new possibilities in crafting and village development. This guide serves as a vital tool for players eager to delve deeper into the rich and dynamic world of LEGO Fortnite.

Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....